Picture one you are standing on Cuatro looking West toward the Sawmill with Entrada on your right. Picture two is a pile of concrete slabs. You are looking Southwest at Aztec and Seis. (site 309 behind the tree and the trailer on 310)
They started construction on the second block of Patio Sites on Saturday. (We thought they were starting Monday.) They are moving right along. They will take the dirt down to grade, about 4 inches, relocate the water, sewer, and cable and stake out 2 or 3 sites by Tuesday morning when Chuck flies in from CA to give the OK on the angle of the sites. There are patio tables and benches on 260, red rock on site 252, and dirt on another lot and truck loads over in storage at FHE. It will be on to concrete, trees, and patio walls. I will keep you up to date as progress is made.
PS Denise & Lew: This is a visual of what Betty was trying to explain to you.